Dua-e-Ganjul Arsh And It's Attributes - pirazmat990.blogspot.com

Attributes Of Dua-e-Ganjul Arsh

Once the Last of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was sitting in the mosque. At that time, Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) appeared immediately and taught this sacred Dua to the Prophet (P.B.U.H). He described the attributes and advantages of this Dua in detail which if described here would be much lengthy and time consuming. Thererfore here we are giving a jist of the same. Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) said, among other things, that one who recites this Dua would be bestowed upon by Allah three things: Fristly, He will give abundance (Barkat) in his subsistence. Secondly, Allah would provide him subsistence from the means unknown (Ghaib) and thirdly, his enemies would be defeated with contempt. If one recites this or keep it with himself, blessings of Allah would be continously showered on him and during the encounter with the enemy in the battle field he will come out victorous and if in travel, he would return home safe and sound. He will also remain protected from all sorts of Magic, wicked tactics and notourisity of the Devil as well as all sorts of worldly and heavenly troubles and agonies. If it is washed in the water of first raining and that water is given to the victim of the wicked tactics (Jadoo) to drink, the person would get rid of its wicked effects. If it is washed in water and such water is given for drinking to a person who is suffering from serious illness which cannot be cured by the doctors, that person would Insha Allah recover immediately. If its amulet (Taweez) is written in mush and saffron and given for drinking to a barren couple continously for 21 days, they would get offspring Insha Allah. It is hopped that through its auspiciousness one may get such a high station on the Day of judgement which others may long for. One who recites will not be perverted. It is said that once a culprit who was
deserving death punishment was arrested and brought before the ruler of Madina. The ruler ordered to kill him. The executioner tried three times to kill him through a sword but to no avail. Thereafter he was thrown into the water but did not sink to die. When all the efforts to kill him failed, the ruler asked him the reason for that. The culprit said that he has kept with him the amulet of Dua-e-Ganjul Arsh and therefore nothing could harm him. The ruler immediately gave him amnesty and granted him a rob of honour. The ruler took from him the amulet and made it a routine to recite it. In nutshell, the blessings contained in this Dua are countless and no one can describe them fully. If one transforms all the seven heavens into paper and transforms all the trees on the earth into pens and go on writing its attributes throughout the futurity, these attributes would not be completed. There is no room for any doubt in them. If one doubts he may invite misfortune for him, God forbid.

The regular reciting of this Dua as a routine would help in fulfillment of ones desire, abundance in the subsistence, protection and rid from the enemies, recovery from the sickness etc. There are many attributes of the Dua provided it is recited with purity of heart and soul.

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